Bath Spa student visits Los Angeles

Posted on June 22, 2022

Photograph of LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes.

Research Title: Community representation, social cohesion, and museums: audience
engagement in Bath, Bristol and L.A.

This is a cross-comparative research project between the UK and U.S. contemporary
museum practice, where I am conducting research in the three museums: The Roman Baths,
M-Shed and LA Plaza. Investigating how well these museums are currently representing
‘their’ communities and what more can be done to help develop their roles within society,
their sustainability as institutions and of the communities that they represent.

GALA has helped me to conduct in person field work that is critical to not only the final data
which will be in included within my PhD Thesis, but also in carrying out my research in
practice has ensured that my work can have real effect on the organisations and
communities that I aim to serve. At this critical time at the end of my PhD programme, it is
with the funding and opportunities made available through the GALA network that I have
been able to gain invaluable experience and networks that I can build upon as I begin to
think about my career after my doctoral programme.

Thomas Rolfe M.A.
PhD Candidate
Museum and Heritage Management
Writing, Publishing & the Humanities

Photograph of Thomas Rolfe standing and speaking to a small group of people sitting.
Photograph of a gazebo with colourful bunting attached.
