Curation in practice

Posted on June 29, 2015

Our plans for building international curriculum around curatorial practice have continued energetically between Claremont Graduate University (CGU), the University of Adelaide and Bath Spa University.  We have sought to expand the model of international coursework developed by Kristin Doern and Alison Hems of Bath Spa University and Joshua Goode of CGU to bring more international partners into the mix, including Australia, Indonesia and elsewhere.  We are working to find the spaces where curatorial practice, museums, management and heritage are shared across vastly different international settings.   People curate, manage and present their pasts and their futures everywhere.  We seek to identify the ways we share those impulses and carry them out.  We are working to build course platforms to engage in international exchange without having to bring people across many oceans and time zones, and we are also continuing to debate the concept of curation and expand the scope of what it is we curate.  Mark Carroll, Joshua Goode and Kristin Doern have led this project with the hope that all GALA participants or prospective participants feel strongly encouraged to contact any one of us.  Our recent steps have involved sharing the existing curriculum that has already been devised between CGU and BSU and expanding it to include new contexts in the Pacific Rim.  An April planning meeting will focus on a specific timeline for presenting new coursework in the area of curatorial practice, broadly defined.

Text by Josh Goode

To get involved in the Curatorial practice project, contact: Joshua Goode , Claremont Graduate University,

Photo: Director of The Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum with students from CGU and BSU to discuss issues and challenges facing heritage management as part of a summer joint course, “Heritage, Culture and Managing the Past in the ‘Old World and the New.’ Photograph by Josh Goode. Used with permission of The Flame at CGU

