Rebecca McGuire-Snieckus
Uncovering Memory: Filming in South Africa, Germany, Poland and Bosnia/Herzegovina
Posted on October 24, 2023
New book by Tanja Sakota, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Through paired themes of memory and forgetting, segregation and migration, perpetrators and victims, Tanja Sakota travels along a timeline of memory as she takes us on an autoethnographic journey through South Africa, Germany, Poland and Bosnia/Herzegovina. Using a camera and short film techniques, she hosts several workshops focused on interacting and engaging with remembering through different memory sites. The author sits at the core but the book is shaped around films made by diverse participants using the camera to access and unveil personal interpretations of space and place. As the story unfolds readers cross disciplines as they engage with political, historical, cultural and personal memory. Questions that underpin the uncovering of memories are: How does one use a camera to unmask invisible memories hidden within sites? How does one remember events that one hasn’t necessarily experienced? How does one use film to interrogate the past from the future present?