Rebecca McGuire-Snieckus
Gala 2019 Conference: Networks across Time and Space
Posted on April 9, 2019
Networks across Time and Space
September 12–14, 2019
Claremont Graduate University, Claremont California, USA
Claremont Graduate University will host the 6th Annual GALA conference dedicated to the
theme of networks. At its core, GALA represents the partnering of universities, faculty, and
students together in a number of different networks of communication, research, idea
exploration and teaching. In its sixth year, this conference will assess these networks and
examine their value as a cornerstone in the development of liberal arts education. We
encourage panels, workshops, papers and roundtable discussions that probe the nature and
value of these networks, offer prospective calls for future networks and even explore the
success and failure of networks past and present. Proposals that trouble or expand the basic
definition of a network as well as those that place the meaning of networks in their
presentations are encouraged.
Programming for the conference will include:
• A Provosts’ Panel exploring the Value of Networks for their Universities
• Plenary Session: Roundtable of Faculty and University Administrators: the Future of the
Network and the Value of Partnership
• Workshops for students and faculty on building networks, local, regional, national and
• Eurovision-style competitive panel entitled ‘Liberal Arts in Five’: participants explaining
the value of the liberal arts, with judges of journalists and the audience assessing the
ability of participants to explain the value of liberal arts to non-academic audiences.*
*We encourage prospective attendees of the conference to signal their interest
in participating in these events as part of the proposal process.
Please send proposals of 400 words, along with a short biographical statement, to the GALA
Academic Director, Ian Gadd and local hosts, Joshua Goode and Andrew Vosko to
The conference will take place on the campus of Claremont Graduate University, a private, freestanding
graduate school, that is part of the Claremont College Consortium. Nestled in beautiful
Claremont, CA, the seven-college consortium offers a diverse, university-sized faculty set within
a liberal arts college atmosphere, all within 35 miles of downtown Los Angeles.
Housing and conference registration details, along with further information regarding
workshops and special student activities on 12 September 2019, to follow.
For more information about the Global Academy of Liberal Arts (GALA)
please visit or contact