Rebecca McGuire-Snieckus
What does it mean to create across borders?
Posted on June 29, 2015
Transnational creativity refers to creative formation across borders — between or within a nation — and to the production of new threshold languages, texts and ways of seeing through creative practice. What does it mean to write across borders, to create across borders? Our position stems from a constructive, rather than a deconstructive perspective, with an emphasis on emergent creativity rather than theories of ‘otherness’. One theme running through our project is empathy as a way of writing, as an imaginative and dialogical tool. In October Bambo Soyinka contributed to In Dialogue: An International Symposium in Nottingham that explored how artists and researchers use dialogue in practice. Bambo Soyinka (BSU), Adnan Mahmutovic (Stockholm University) and Nick Jose (Adelade) are creating a shared pool of transnational research resources and educational materials on Trello. The group are meeting this summer in Stockholm to develop a joint open-course, open knowledge programme in transnational creativity with the research question: how can we build a truly transnational research hub and educational programme, enabling co-creation of knowledge across borders whilst allowing for deep cultural differences? Image created by Laura Sorvala (